Project Workshop: Creating more value out of hydrogen with the DEMCOPEM technology

On November 7th the second project workshop took place in Foshan, China.

The workshop has been organised in parallel to the “International Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell technology” Conference and Expo (CHFC 2018). This particular event was selected because the presented technology and business model is particular relevant for the Chinese market (and more in general for countries with high energy price).

The final programme can be found here.
The presented topics (please click the link to download/view the presentation):

The DEMCOPEM workshop focused on the presentation of the DEMCOPEM technology and results but also on its economic viability and the business drivers towards energy transition and the optimal use of redundant hydrogen.

The selected audience consisted of more than 30 participants including: experts and technologist in the Hydrogen sector, decision makers and representative of the Chinese Hydrogen Association and Chloro- alkali Association.

The workshop ended with a high-level panel discussion, addressing the future of the PEM technology and possible further collaboration China-Europe.